Gummies, Gummies, Gummies

We've all seen the ads on social media for the "miracle" sugar bear hair gummies- hair grows inches in a month and is thick, silky and strong. Whether you believe these ads or not, supplements are a very real asset for many to achieve the "perfect" skin, hair or nails. Sadly, many of these supplements promise results but are either an expensive gimmick or laden with animal byproducts. Today, we've rounded up our favorite vegetarian-friendly supplements that actually do what they promise, all tested here at Edith & June HQ.

Olly Vitamins Flawless Complexion

If you're someone who struggles with acne, pore size, or even dry skin, these will have your skin back to normal in no time. The blackberry flavored gummies are absolutely delicious, and the perfect consistency- just like candy. These contain Vitamins A & E to fight free radicals for clear skin, while Zinc, Selenium and Dandelion Root help to regenerate new skin quicker so that blemishes are smaller, and don't last as long. 

HUM Glow Sweet Glow

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If you watch our monthly hauls and reviews, you'll have seen these bad boys before. These tangerine flavors gummies are a savior for those with dry skin, and a serious glow booster for those with normal to oily skin. These contain hyaluronic acid which is essential for skin to withhold moisture, and Vitamin C & E promote elasticity and glow in the skin. After using these for one month, we saw results immediately and repurchased the bottle when we ran out- they're amazing!

Barefoot Blonde Hair Sweetheart 

These gummies are made specifically for growing healthy, silky hair and taste like delicious strawberries. They contain biotin- a B Complex vitamin that is essential to turn the food you consume into protein and keratin- the foundations for strong, thick hair. These cute gummies will help your hair grow and become stronger in just one month, and you should see nails improve within a few weeks as well.