Sensitive Skin Is A Lie

This article might sound like clickbait, especially to those who identify as having sensitive skin, but hear us out. Today, we're getting down to the bottom of the truth behind sensitive skin and the misconceptions that people have about it. 

Sensitive Skin is Not a Skin Type

Contrary to popular belief, having sensitive skin is not a main skin type, but instead a skin condition that can be cured using the right kinds of products. Sensitive skin occurs when outside forces including products, diet or environmental stressors cause the skin to have an allergic or "stressed" reaction. Red patches, blemishes, acne, and sore spots can happen due to these stressors. Those who have these sensitive tendencies also have a main skin type: oily, dry, normal or combination. 

It's Often a Symptom of Chemical Products

Sensitive skin is most commonly the result of using products that contain synthetics and chemicals. Even brands who claim to be "clean" or for "sensitive skin" like Simple and Burt's Bees still contain chemicals and synthetics that can be irritating your skin. Switching to truly clean skincare can help to clear up redness in the skin or small bumps. Try using a brand like Tata Harper where the ingredients are organically grown on their own farm- you as the consumer knows exactly where the ingredients are coming from and that they are truly natural and organic without any chemicals. 

It Can Also Be a Dietary Issue

For many, acne, redness and imbalances in the skin is something that skincare should be able to fix, but that's only true about a third of the time. While not using proper skincare for your skin type or just using skincare, in general, can lead to your skin becoming unhealthy, most of the problems with our skin begin from within. Dry skin can often be attributed to not getting enough Vitamin C in your diet, or not drinking enough water, and oily skin can also be attributed to not enough water as well. When it comes to sensitive skin, it's often a dietary intolerance that is coming through on the skin. The most common intolerances that cause sensitive skin are gluten and dairy, but it can be anything from chicken with too many hormones to coffee. 

Trust Your Gut

While this sticks with the "inside-out" mentality we just talked about, your gut is a huge part of your health that often manifests on the outside of the body. Using a probiotic-based supplement can make your sensitive skin disappear and balance your skin type is it's overly dry or oily. We love the Beauty Chef's Glow Inner Beauty Powder or their Antioxidant Inner Beauty Boost to help with gut health and create an inner canvas for glowing skin. You can also try gummies from brands like Olly to help aid your digestive health. HUM Nutrition also sells quick and easy pill supplements, including their Gut Instinct probiotic to help healthy skin.