I Tried Freck's Faux Freckles

If you know me in real life you know how protective I am over my freckles. I have about 5 and I love each and every one of them. Sadly for me, my sister got blessed with the prominent freckle gene while mine are few and far between, so as soon as I apply my makeup, they mostly disappear. For two years now I’ve been re-pencilling them on with whatever brow pencil I have on hand at the time and it’s been doing the job, but when I saw Freck- a brand based completely around the “perfect” faux freckle product, I was super intrigued.

The Freck cosmetic claims that it’s “the most natural, longest lasting faux freckles on the market” and to cut to the chase, that’s 100% true. Not only do these freckles look completely natural, they last from the moment I put them on to the moment I wash them off at night.

Freck comes in a small tube with a thin brush on the end that helps to apply the red-toned liquid that you then dot on your face. While it’s still went, pat around with your fingertip to spread out the freckles and blend them down. I like to do a few layers just to make sure that they look natural, but if you apply them just on your nose it can be as quick as 1 minute.

I love this product, my one qualm is that it’s pretty expensive for what it is, but we’ll see how long it lasts. If it lasts at least 3 month, I’ll be okay with the price. They also offer a Freck XL that’s double the size, however that’s currently sold out.