A(nother) Post Reviewing Natural Deodorants

I didn’t realize that on this blog I have written 4 (count em: 4) posts about clean deodorants, yet somehow there’s still more to say. I was recently able to get some adorable mini deodorants from Credo and since I apparently love testing, trying, and talking about clean deodorants, and they’re two relatively new and popular choices that I was dying to try out. Without further ado, here’s what’s what on the Ursa Major Hoppin Fresh Deodorant and the Type A Dreamer Deodorant.

So in theory, I absolutely love the Type A Daydreamer Deodorant. It’s clean, it’s cheap (at 10$ for a full size bottle-remember this is a sample), it smells so good and the applicator is genius. You simply squeeze the bottle and the deodorant comes out of three crescent shaped holes in the top, you then swipe it on and you’re good to go! Here’s my qualm: this deodorant did not stand up to the task of deodorizing. I’m definitely not a sweaty girl: my sweatiest activity is walking the dog on our 2 mile stretch every morning, but it didn’t last through that. When I got home, I smelt like a mixture of body sweat and the scent of the deodorant, which, honestly, was more nauseating than just the scent of body odor. If you’re someone who lives in an ultra cold climate, or literally doesn’t work a sweat all day and just need protection for when you raise your arms (if that’s a thing) then this deodorant is really nice. If you commute using the NYC subway in summertime, however, I wouldn’t recommend this.


Next up is the Ursa Major Hoppin Fresh Deodorant and my thoughts are sort of similar. Because this deodorant has a mint scent it’s cooling on the skin (which feels awesome) and disguises the body odor scent a lot better, but I still smell after a sweaty activity or commute. I will say that this deodorant is a better full-day performer: you will smell in that super sweaty moment, but once you dry (ew but true) you on’t smell as bad as the Type A deodorant, the mintiness of this Ursa Major number helps pull everything back together.

Final verdict: I’ll stick to my Megababe Rosy Pits deodorant, it literally never fails and keeps me smelling, well, Rosy all day no matter how gross I get. It’s the best. Check it out here.