Herbivore's Emerald Oil is Better Than I Ever Imagined

Okay so if you don’t already know about my complicated past with oils, it’s here and here, some further reading for your Friday afternoon. But I’ve heard so much about the new Herbivore Emerald oil that when Sephora had a sample of it during my last order, I had no hesitation on adding it to my basket.

When going to purchase the Emerald Oil, you realize that there are two oils by the same name- one with hemp and one with 17mg of CBD. In this post, I’ll be discussing the Emerald Oil with CBD.

With all of the CBD products starting to show up on the beauty market, it’s obvious that the first space to boom with them would be clean beauty. According to Herbivore, the benefits of CBD oil on the skin can be redness relief, deep hydration and relieving stressed-out, irritable skin. They reference scientific studies that claim certain receptors in the skin control the body processes that regulate the immune system, inflammation and pain. An imbalance of these receptors can result in acne, eczema, and other common skin problems. A natural way to rebalance the receptors is CBD when used as a targeted therapy. Herbivore uses organic, Colorado grown CBD that contains less than 0.3% THC.

When I used this product, I first cleansed my skin with my Pai Hydrating Cleanser and followed that with The Ordinary’s Hyaluronic Acid serum and Herbivore’s Rosewater moisturizer. I then used 3 drops of the Emerald Oil and pressed it into my skin, focusing on my cheeks and jawline where I have patches of uneven skin.

At this point in my beauty career, I don’t expect immediate results anymore, I understand that it takes time for a product to work on your skin and to improve the condition. Consistency is always key when it comes to skincare. But with this product, I woke up the next morning with actual glowing skin. My skin is so dry that I usually wake up with matte skin and add my shine back with makeup or skincare products, but this oil really did it for me- it left me glowing.

I’ve been using it for about two weeks consistently and I can honestly say that I would purchase this product when I run out. It’s an oil that my skin gets along with, feels good on my skin, I can apply it day or night, and it’s hydrating and refreshing. Maybe CBD is an oil that works for my skin, it’s non-comedogenic as well as being anti-bacterial to help fight acne and keep skin healthy and clear. I love it, and if you’re over 18 in the U.S, I recommend you try it too.